Month: May 2011

  • Rapture BLOOPERS!

    The bloopers from Monday’s video, Life After The Rapture.

  • Life after The Rapture

    Two days after The Rapture, what’s life like? See post-Rapture shenanigans involving Harold Camping’s clothes, Jesus, The Alien, Adam, Mary Sunshine, Jeff, White Jesus and JoJo the Dog (who I completely forgot to include in the credits, so just so everyone knows: that’s played by Jeff Klein, like, well…all of the puppets except Mary).  …


    Burrow? Barrow? Borough? Burro? Adam encounters some confusion with Paul and Skrufy whilst trying to get all metaphysical with his viewers. Paul and Skrufy appear courtesy of Norman Tweeter Productions. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

  • Skrufy vs. the Farmer’s Market

    It’s been almost a year since the hobos of Norman Tweeter Productions, Mitch and Skrufy, polled the Proctor Farmer’s Market with strange questions about crayon colors. On Saturday, I accompanied a solo Skrufy to pester the market-goers once more. Skrufy interviewed everyone from small children to the locally famous Sonics Guy, and the result is…

  • Onision is a PIMP

    A thank you to all the new subscribers and a bit more footage with Onision from the Seattle YouTube Partner Meetup. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out Chris Bogdan (a.k.a. “Old ShayCarl”) and, of course, the pimp-tastic Onision.

  • An update from Adam

    I’ve got a lot a new followers, so I just wanted to make sure this was out there: this website is still incomplete. I’m still working on archiving years of videos, articles, blogs and more into this central location. I’m also aware the webcomic hasn’t been updated in months, but rest assured it will begin…

  • Because I f***ing said so!

    Because I f***ing said so!

    The adventures of Adam the Alien in Google Seattle! Behold the epic tale of the Seattle YouTube Partner Meetup, featuring The Templemans, Chris Bogdan, booshoe37, Josh Rimer, Onision and a highly dysfunctional camera. It was an absolute blast. Included below is the video Onision made at the meetup to promote us lesser-known YouTubers.

  • Cheese Puffs

    Cheese Puffs

    Just a little improvised song about a tasty, artery-clogging snack food. Mmm, clogged arteries. Click here to download the MP3.

  • Quick Announcement from Tenach

    Greetings! There are a lot of changes going on around these parts and I thought I’d make you all privy to this. I am doing some upgrades to the website as well as the server to help combat the amount of spam that we are getting (especially the stuff directed at the wiki here). As…