Tag: Pirates!
Captain Manley and Shannancy’s Shanty
Back in June, I made a promise: I swore that if I won a certain Frost Park Chalk-Off, I’d use the prize – ten Spanish doubloon replicas and a Mayan calendar medallion – to make a pirate-themed video. Now, at last, the promise is fulfilled. I shot Captain Manley and Shannancy’s Shanty back in June,…
The Alien’s Perspective: The art of self-promotion (Frost Park S3Ep12)
“All art is self-promotion.” Overheard yesterday at Frost Park, while I was touching up my purple-coated alien pirate, the quote was a perfect summary of how things went down at 2010’s twelfth chalk-off. Self-promotion has always been a staple of Frost Park artwork, from websites written next to drawings and my ever-present alien avatar to…