Tag: Stuart
Tacomapocalypse IV
Adam heads to Destiny City Comics for the fourth Tacomapocalypse zombie art show.
Tacomapocalypse III: Stayin’ Alive
The Mayan apocalypse has come and gone, and Tacoma held the afterparty. Tacomapocalypse III: Stayin’ Alive, the third annual zombie-themed art show from Tacoma-based Treefish Studio, opened on Friday with a beer-and-brains bang at Amocat Cafe. The mood was drastically different from the past two years of zombie mayhem; instead of a small crowd hyped…
The Alien’s white trash birthday
In which my birthday coincides with my household’s “White Trash Xmas” dinner. To see more snippets of my birthday – including some hilarious karaoke – as well as the rest of my week, check out my Vlogtag video from this week. Several YouTubers appeared in this video: Both Jeff and John of Norman Tweeter Productions…
Diary of a Power Outage
I had just arrived home, last week, from R.R. Anderson’s 100 Tacomics book release gala when SHAZAK! Lightning lit up the sky a split second before the streetlights around me all went out. Though my night of powerlessness would begin with chaos, candle-searching and attempting to save items left out in the yard – all…
Today in Tacoma: Art takedown party at Amocat Cafe
It’s the end of the month, and that means Stuart M. Dempster‘s “Last Solo Sail” art show will be vacating the walls of Amocat Cafe. Today is your last chance to see the nautically-inspired works before the art is removed in what Dempster is calling an “unhanging”. The takedown party will occur from 2:00 PM to…
Captain Manley and Shannancy’s Shanty
Back in June, I made a promise: I swore that if I won a certain Frost Park Chalk-Off, I’d use the prize – ten Spanish doubloon replicas and a Mayan calendar medallion – to make a pirate-themed video. Now, at last, the promise is fulfilled. I shot Captain Manley and Shannancy’s Shanty back in June,…
Vlogtag: A thwash of general Septemberiness
Can one have links in one’s pants when one isn’t wearing any pants? Oh, the terminology trials and tribulations inherent in pantsless vlogging. Write-up: “Seafaring art sails into harbor at Amocat Cafe” The Vlogtag forum (within the AdamTheAlien.com forum) Stuart M. Dempster Norman Tweeter Chuck DeClown Treefish Studio (a.k.a. the soon-to-be-wed Stuart & Kendra)
Seafaring art sails into harbor at Amocat Cafe
Amocat Cafe has been transformed. No longer is it merely a place to sit, drink, eat and be local. For the month of September, Amocat is a port – a harbor for seafaring artwork. Docking on its walls are nautical scenes of varying shapes and sizes. Some of the intricately rendered ships float on framed…
The Alien’s Perspective: The art of self-promotion (Frost Park S3Ep12)
“All art is self-promotion.” Overheard yesterday at Frost Park, while I was touching up my purple-coated alien pirate, the quote was a perfect summary of how things went down at 2010’s twelfth chalk-off. Self-promotion has always been a staple of Frost Park artwork, from websites written next to drawings and my ever-present alien avatar to…
The Alien’s Perspective: Frost Park Season 3, Episode 11
The Frost Park Chalk-Off was in full force today, after weeks of low participation and rainy weather. Arriving a little bit late, I initially had some difficulty finding a good place to chalk. many of the choice spots were already filled, some by the usual Frost Park veterans and others by faces I didn’t recognize.…