Month: November 2010
Vlogtag: Always the Monday, never the Mon.
So, my roommates (the ones who got married last month) asked me the other day, “Do you know ANYBODY who isn’t getting married?” They asked me this on Friday, all of us completely oblivious to what was going on over in England. Be sure to watch the lovely video Helen and James uploaded yesterday. I had…
Cousin to cousin, coast to coast
In which I see my cousin Kara in person for the first time in 13 years. The song at the end is “Ditto, Ditto” by Do Kashiteru of The “ding” sound was created by Benboncan of
[Adam the Alien: The Webcomic] Page Three: Gloating
Saturday comes again, and for the second week in a row, I find myself uploading what I consider an unfinished product. In fact, this one is less fine-tuned than last week’s! I really need to start drawing these earlier than Friday night. 😀 This strip sees the introduction of Scribbington, a character named after and…
Yoda was wrong
I really do feel that the “do or do not” idea is irresponsible to spread, as I feel it encourages the “failure is not an option” mentality. Without failure, we can’t learn. You can’t succeed without trying first. The “do or do not” concept is a bit of an impossibility that I’ve taken issue with…
Conan O’Brien for Pope!
Pope Coco would rock. This video also contains my views on streaming delays. I’m not even touching the international restrictions. We can discuss that later. Or in the comments. Whatever. I’m not picky. This video featured: Molly Lewis, informing us that Coco is Catholic. A brief glimpse of my lovely Shannancy The voice of Stuart…
Vlogtag: Monday is on a creative high
Links in my extraterrestrial pants! Check out my other Dan 3.0 gathering video! Behold the glory that is Adam the Alien: The Webcomic in its temporary home! You were said hello to by… thedanc1nghawk themeangirl3 melissaIvory abberz07 Laura, my fellow Monday on the collab channel ElectronicTricycle! A YouTube Stalker WHO SHOULD REALLY GIVE ME THEIR…
Adam the Alien: The Webcomic, Page Two: Grounded
This strip is still in draft form. I haven’t had time to perfect it, yet, but I committed to uploading a strip every Saturday, and it’s already pretty late in the day. Check back later for the more polished version. This one proved more of a challenge than I expected, and most of the challenge…
Dan 3.0 in Seattle
The full story on the attempted suicide can be viewed at Links: The Deadliest Tag: Chapter Two Dan Brown on YouTube thedanc1nghawk on YouTube
The Deadliest Tag: Chapter Two
This video can be watched alone, all backstory is included within the story itself. However, the two videos I’m building off of with this story are pretty fun to watch. The Deadliest Tag (Chapter One) Sunday’s ExtravaganSAW The first of the above links is, obviously, this video’s predecessor. The second video is someting James and…