Category: Adam the Alien: Season 01
“Where The Hell Is Matt?” Video Shoot
On June 7, at Gas Works Park in Seattle, WA, there was a gathering. A gathering of cosplayers. A gathering of YouTubers. A gathering of random Seattle-type people. A gathering…of awesome. Matt of “Where the Hell is Matt?” fame shot the final clip for his latest video at Gas Works Park…this was what it was…
VlogTag: June’s shaky start
QUICK CAPTURE IS NOT YOUR FRIEND! Description? Description? Uhhh…LOOK BEHIND YOU A THREE-HEADED MONKEY! Mary Kate’s channel: Also, I’m going to start saying this NOW to avoid problems a month from now, if you’re interested in being one of the July VlogTaggers, send an e-mail to
You Touched My Dice?
Click through to the YouTube page and click on the “watch in high quality” link below the video for best results. Assuming you don’t have your YouTube settings adjusted to automatically view things in high quality. This is a compilation of footage from the Emerald City Comic Convention. Music by The Parselmouths. And I…
Destiny of the Gnome
Do please go and view this video in high quality. It’s much prettier that way. If you don’t have your YouTube settings adjusted to automatically play things in high quality, click through to the YouTube page and click on “watch in high quality”. CAST (in alphabetical order) The Producer: Charles Ames Bubbles: Hillary Barzilla Bob…
Vlogtag: The End?
In which Adam posts a video a week late because he has no frikkin’ clue what to do. :-/ The Tokens Improv: Where to e-mail to put yourself in the hat for next Oh, and the Nerdfighter-representative item I was going to talk about before the month fell apart was a book called Einstein’s…
Vlogtag: Springtime Randomness
In which Adam finally makes and edits a video on time. Unfortunately, there were problems in rendering, and thus, it is late. 🙁 I don’t suppose we could overlook it this time? Since it’s within the time limit for once, up on the right day (in our time zone, at least) and since I have…
Where the Sidewalk Ends
There is a place where the sidewalk ends And before the street begins, And there the grass grows soft and white, And there the sun burns crimson bright, And there the moon-bird rests from his flight To cool in the peppermint wind. Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black And the dark…
Vlogtag: Skye is the bitch of living.
In which Skye does not complete her punishment because she found out too late, and is uploading this from school (email ftw) and cannot record/edit anything new, but her Vitas upside down punishment will be ready for Monday.
Vlogtag: Procrastination & Punishment
In which Adam uploads THE LATEST VIDEO IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. (Except the videos on his own channel, which have been months late) Also, I went over time. Again. Because I didn’t want to cut out any of my crappy dulcimer playing. Anyway. Vitas does not have testicles. I think the gills are to…