Apples to Apples is quite possibly the greatest game ever created.

I’m not going to attempt to fully detail how one plays the game. You can check the Wikipedia article for that sort of thing. To be honest, I don’t think the game can be properly explained without demonstrating as you play. New people usually get the idea very quickly.

Today, of course, was Easter. The next two days are the birthdays of two adorable little girls (respectively: my little sister and my youngest niece). Given these events all mashed close together, it’s safe to assume there was family gathered today. The gathering was haphazard, informally put together more last-minute than the normal events, but it was fun. We ate, we chatted, we celebrated the birthday girls…and we played Apples to Apples.

All you need to understand, right this moment, is that Apples to Apples is a word game, and your goal is to win the cards with descriptive words on them: sticky, chunky, shiny, manly, etc. The first person to reach a certian amount of cards wins.

An unofficial side game that’s always fun to play is to apply the descriptive words to the person who’s won them – with varying degrees of humor depending on what the words are.

Today, during one particular round of this game, my brother-in-law read his description off of the cards he’d won. The words made him sound like a cheap hooker, which I noted aloud.

My dad then read off his cards while we were snickering about that, and the timing could not have been better. I can’t remember any of the cards specifically, but I remember that they set the stage perfectly for me to make a crack about my dad being my brother-in-law’s latest customer.

That’s when my older sister suddenly pointed out – as loud as she could and barely able to contain her laughter – that my dad’s name is John.

If you don’t get it, you probably don’t understand most of my humor.

In any case, moments like that happen in Apples to Apples all the time. Occasionally, with the right group of semi-inebriated geeks, you may even have a table full of people randomly break into song.

It’s a great game for bringing out inside jokes with friends, as well as a wonderful game for getting to know new people. It can be played at family gatherings, amongst schoolmates or alongside other drunken party games a few hours past midnight.

I can honestly think of no game more fun than Apples to Apples.

Writer. Actor. Director. Chalk artist. YouTuber. Nerdfighter. Traveler. Pansexual. Genderfluid. Millennial. Socialist. Living a complex life beyond those words.

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