Tag: Portland
A Half Tank of Gas and a Heart Full of Adventure
The continuing adventures of Adam and Jess in Portland.
DJ Switch and the Pernicious Portland Pizza Plans
Celebrating the birthday of DJ Switch with a pizza crawl during Portland’s Pizza Week.
Skirting Portland
Adam wears a skirt in public for the first time, while traipsing about Portland with friends.
Smile…you’re beautiful
Adam meets a stranger in Portland who makes him smile, and carries the man’s story and message to the Internet.
The Fault In Our Stars Movie Review
Adam and Katie review the movie adaptation of John Green’s The Fault In Our Stars.
“Clinton Street” (or “A Night Lived Before”)
A poem inspired by a night out at a party in Portland. A little time travel for the soul.
DOMA Defeated
To celebrate the Supreme Court striking down the Defense Of Marriage Act, my little sister and I attended a shindig in Portland put on by Oregon United for Marriage and Basic Rights Oregon.
Hello, The Future!
Adam attends a show by the one-woman band Hello, The Future in Portland, Oregon. The bourbon is bourbony, the past meets the present (to see a band named for the future), and the world gets a little bit smaller.