Tag: Abby Williamson
[Vlogtag] Catching up with Monday
Adam brings you up to speed after an absence from Vlogtag. Vote for me in King of the Web, and vote ten times every day! King of the Web main leaderboard King of the Web Vlog King leaderboard My latest video Check out Andy Glover’s awesomeness: Andy Glover on YouTube Andy Glover on bandcamp Singing…
I’m finally a YouTube Partner! This was originally going to be included in my First Night 2011 video, which I’m still working on, but proved too long and didn’t quite fit anywhere in the video. Special thanks: Jonathan, a.k.a. thedanc1nghawk, for filming most of this for me Bobby, a.k.a. The Me Fund, for the intro/outro bits…
The Alien’s white trash birthday
In which my birthday coincides with my household’s “White Trash Xmas” dinner. To see more snippets of my birthday – including some hilarious karaoke – as well as the rest of my week, check out my Vlogtag video from this week. Several YouTubers appeared in this video: Both Jeff and John of Norman Tweeter Productions…
[Vlogtag] Professor Monday’s bureaucracy-laden, post-#P4A, white trash birthday sing-along vlog
In which Adam details his week, which was an eventful week, and COMPLETELY LEAVES OUT Wednesday night’s C.L.A.W. white elephant Christmas party. BAD ADAM! I will have to link when I get footage uploaded from that. Helen’s Jingle Bells collab The Return of Count Spirochete, an educational cartoon about veneral diseases that was made by…