We have always been here.
Though you mocked us
Though you cast us out
Though you tried to destroy us
We have always been here.
Though you silenced us
Though you enslaved us
Though you tried to pretend we don’t exist
We have always been here.
Though you declare us dirty
Though you declare us sinful
Though you declare us illegal
We have always been here.
You decided we were different
You decided we were impure
You decided we were unworthy
But we have always been here.
We have been your boogeymen
We have been your servants
We have been your punching bags
And we have always been here.
We have been your freakshows
We have been your fetishes
We have been your fucktoys
And we have always been here.
We are the aberrant
We are the different
We are the nonconforming
And we have always been here.
We are the disillusioned
We are the disenfranchised
We are the dehumanized
And we have always been here.
We are the evidence that your view is too narrow
We are the confirmation of a more complex world
We are Dunsany’s proof that “a man is a very small thing…”
For “the night is large and full of wonders,”
And we have always been here.
You cast us from the light of day, and we survived
You gave us only the night, and we became its wonders
You are blind in the dark, but we see light where there is little
And we have always been here.
In our exile, we have found each other
In our struggles, we have grown stronger
In the darkness, we learned how to see
And we have always been here.
You bristle as we come out of hiding
You rage as we come into our own
You chastise as we refuse to be ashamed
But we have always been here.
We are the past you don’t wish to acknowledge
We are the present you don’t wish to believe
We are the bright future you cannot restrain
And we have always been here.
We are not your enemy, but you have not been a friend
We do not wish your extinction, but you have pushed for ours
We are not the bringers of death; we are the seekers of life
We have always been here.
We will always be here.
You cannot hold us back forever.
Writer. Actor. Director. Chalk artist. YouTuber. Nerdfighter. Traveler. Pansexual. Genderfluid. Millennial. Socialist. Living a complex life beyond those words.
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