Tag: Thoughts From Places

  • Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses

    Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses

    A family night at the symphony. Specifically, The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses as performed by the Oregon Symphony. Links: Switch is one of the hosts of the Dangerous Kids podcast. Jewell’s YouTube channel Conductor Eimear Noone’s website Eimear Noone’s Twitter IMGMR’s interview with Eimear Noone

  • Because I f***ing said so!

    Because I f***ing said so!

    The adventures of Adam the Alien in Google Seattle! Behold the epic tale of the Seattle YouTube Partner Meetup, featuring The Templemans, Chris Bogdan, booshoe37, Josh Rimer, Onision and a highly dysfunctional camera. It was an absolute blast. Included below is the video Onision made at the meetup to promote us lesser-known YouTubers.