Month: March 2012
Keep the Alien in Tacoma
Last year, the Tacoma community and The Weekly Volcano awarded me with the title of “Best Filmmaker in Tacoma”. When I found out, I was floored. It was a huge honor, especially since I’ve been so focused on survival these last few years that I haven’t had much time to focus on filmmaking, especially outside…
‘Hunger Games’ leaves readers hungering for more
I’m not sure when I first heard about the bleak, dystopian future brought to life by Suzanne Collins in The Hunger Games, but I know I haven’t stopped hearing about it since. The Hunger Games follows the story of Katniss Everdeen, a 16-year-old girl living in the nation of Panem, the country that rose up…
My gallbladder sucked at being a gallbladder
In late November of 2010, I woke up in severe pain. A hospital visit told me nothing, and the pain eventually faded, so I went home. In the months that followed, the pain returned only occasionally, and didn’t affect my life. In August 2011, the pain started returning every day. Another hospital trip, and a…