[spoiler title=”Video Transcript”]
Hello, Earthlings! You’re watching Adam the Alien. Today is Monday, April 23rd…at least it is as I’m recording this. Who knows when it’ll be up! I keep being about a day behind in this Vlog Every Day April thing, and apparently I’m a glutton for punishment in that regard.
You see, before yesterday, I actually had several videos pre-recorded and ready to go in the buffer.
I feel accomplished! I just recorded three quick videos —even changing my clothes between them— so that I can maybe get ahead of myself on this frickin’ video making thing.
Did you just let the cat out of the bag?
Yes, I let the cat out of the bag.
Why would you let the cat out of the bag?
Because it’s mean to put cats in bags! Why are you putting cats in bags in the first place? That is not a thing you do to cats!
I need to actually record in advance, and that’s something I’m planning to do more, especially once Vlog Every Day April is OUT!
Because Lord knows I tend to wait until the day of, like, an event or a holiday and go, “NOW I want to make a video! NOW I want to make it. Right now!”
Ugh! God, I am especially bad about recording things in advance of holidays!
I love holidays, and I love making videos for holidays. But I never remember or get inspired to do them until it’s, like…the day of the holiday, or it’s too close to finish a video on time for it.
That is something I’m definitely going to be working on, moving forward. You can’t JUST wait for inspiration. But you also can’t ignore it when it strikes.
No, I need to do it earlier than that, so that it can be up ON the day.
But instead of uploading either of the videos I had already recorded, I decided, “Hey! I’m gonna make a whole new one that involves looking up a bunch of stock footage and a lot more editing than these videos that I already have done.”
The problem is, I’d forgotten it was Earth Day. And when I woke up and realized that it was, I thought, “I should do something for that!”
And at first I was thinking about writing something, and putting it over footage of pretty, natural things. But then I was thinking about the Vienna Teng song, “Landsailor”.
“Landsailor” is a song about the contradiction of enjoying all the modern benefits that we have, but also not feeling great about the consequences, the cost, and what it’s doing to our world.
Or at least, that’s the interpretation as I understand it.
That video did not go up on time, but I still feel really good about it! Mostly because one of the great things Vlog Every Day April has been doing for me is re-inspiring me. I already talked, in the video titled “Reinvigorated” a few days ago, about just how wonderful it’s felt to feel passion for this again on a level that I had forgotten I once had.
And the act of editing to that video using stock footage, and footage I’d shot, and footage I’d shot of Vienna Teng in concert…it was thrilling! It was fun! And it really was a video I just made for fun! And it’s nice to get back into that.
When the thing you love to do is also a thing you often do for a paycheck, it can get really muddied and complicated.
So as the sun sets, and midnight approaches on the East Coast, I know this video probably won’t be up on time. But…I’m just…I’m feeling good! And the two videos that I already recorded will be up in the next few days…unless something inspires me.
So until tomorrow: I’m Adam the Alien, hoping you are having a lovely April, because I certainly am.
I guess all that’s left to say is fare thee well.
Writer. Actor. Director. Chalk artist. YouTuber. Nerdfighter. Traveler. Pansexual. Genderfluid. Millennial. Socialist. Living a complex life beyond those words.
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