Tag: Frost Park
Two (Point Oh) Videos
Today was a very productive day. I made some phone calls I needed to make (no mean feat when one has an often crippling phone anxiety) and I got closer to finishing some long-term projects. But the most amazing thing of all is this: I uploaded two videos today. For those that don’t know, every…
Of time-lapse and chalk-offs
time·-lapse \ˈtīm-ˌlaps\ adjective of, relating to, or constituting a motion picture made so that when projected a slow action (as the opening of a flower bud) appears to be speeded up Merriam-Webster’s definition of time-lapse leaves something to be desired. Of course, it was written in 1927 – and language changes. The very use of…
Back to where the sidewalk ends
Today, I was in heaven. I stepped off the bus on Commerce Street at Noon sharp. My hands shook with anticipation as I walked toward that familiar corner, the one I knew so well from many blissful Fridays throughout 2008. I rushed across the street, drawing closer to what looked to me like a magical…
Frost Park: a community built in chalk dust
Whenever I mention Frost Park, most people outside of the Tacoma blogosphere just stare blankly at me like I’m speaking Tralfamadorian. Most people in the Tacoma area have seen it. Many have stood inside it or walked through it without ever knowing. I don’t blame them. When I first moved here, I didn’t even realize…
Spoonfingers and chalk
Spoonfingers reference: edward spoonfingers – Broadcast your self LIVE spoonfingers pt 2 – Broadcast your self LIVE
Updates (Adam, where are your videos???)
Some of the info in the video is out of date. I’m just too lazy to record a new “update vlog” right now. Also, all of the “sidebar” info from the YouTube page is copied here below I’ve been trying to upload this for weeks, but every prior attempt came through with NO SOUND WHATSOEVER…
VlogTag: The Delayed Video of Doom
Mary Kate’s channel (which you should watch because she’s awesome) Music by The P.u.P.Phttp://www.myspace.com/thepupphttp://www.soundclick.com/thepupp If the soundclick link doesn’t work, try this one:http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=146674 Frost Park Chalk-Off info can be found by browsing around at http://www.feedtacoma.com. And other videos related to the Northwest YouTube gathering can be found by checking the favorites at http://www.youtube.com/linksinthesidebar