Tag: Jeff Klein
What defines a superhero?
The Kryptonopolis Bugle takes a long, hard look at what heroes can and cannot be described as a “superhero”.
KRYPTONOPOLIS BUGLE: Action Comics #1000 Midnight Release
The Kryptonopolis Bugle documents a historic moment in comicdom: the midnight release of Action Comics #1000!
Knock Knock and/or Who’s There
Adam spends time with his friend Jeff, whose four-year-old daughter decides to be the star of the video.
Tacomapocalypse IV
Adam heads to Destiny City Comics for the fourth Tacomapocalypse zombie art show.
WIRETAP: a short film about NSA surveillance
A satire about the ongoing NSA surveillance scandal that has dominated the news since Edward Snowden leaked the information. Featuring some fine felt characters from Norman Tweeter Productions!
Adam visits Tinkertopia, Tacoma’s creative reuse center and supply store for artists and crafty types.
Never too old for a playground
Goofing around with my friends, Jeff and Shana, at a playground in Tacoma’s Wright Park. You’re never too old to enjoy a bit of silliness. Jeff’s YouTube Shana’s Twitter Don’t forget to vote for me in King of the Web
Fun Assembly Required
Lego night at Dorky’s Arcade! My plane kicks ALL THE ASSES. Fun Assembly Required Dorky’s Arcade