KRYPTONOPOLIS BUGLE: Action Comics #1000 Midnight Release

With the release of Action Comics 1000, the Kryptonopolis Bugle visited Tacoma, Washington’s very own Atomic Comics to get the thoughts of some of the attendees. Thanks so much to everyone who spoke with us on camera! Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss future videos!

    4020 S Steele St
    Tacoma, Washington
  • MUSIC: “Newsdesk” by Johan Brodd (JoBro Media)
    Found via
    Used with permission under a CC-BY 3.0 licence
    (Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported)
  • EDITED BY Adam J. Manley
  • Images of Action Comics #1000, Brian Michael Bendis, and Mister Mxyzptlk, as well as a short clip from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, are included under Article 107 of the US Copyright Act.

The Kryptonopolis Bugle is a new comic-themed media project headed by Jeff Klein. You can currently find the Kryptonopolis Bugle on both Facebook and YouTube.

The Kryptonopolis Bugle is a video podcast series featuring proud nerds discussing, analyzing, and celebrating comic books and their impact on culture.

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